Goddess Isis Egypt | Egyptian Goddess

Great mother Isis, the goddess of healing and magic

Goddess Isis: The original figure in question is the Egyptian deity of life and magic.

Here Below the wisdom aspect of the goddess Isis will be discussed. It is important to note that Isis is one of the most popular goddesses in Egyptian mythology She was married to Osiris and was also his sister. They were blessed with a son Horus. Some of the functions attributed to Isis include protecting women and children and she was able to heal the sick or even revive the dead. Some of her symbols include the Mesopotamian cross known as the Ankh, wings, and the headdress of the throne For those interested in exploring more about Egyptian culture Egypt luxury tours offer a deeper look into the ancient traditions and heritage. 

Isis is originated and worshipped in Egypt with much importance on the goddess being given to her.

Egyptian gods and goddesses were initially worshipped in specific cities where the principle of worship began centuries ago. In the Old Kingdom of Egypt it was common for kings to marry the daughters of other kings and princesses this meant that kings married their sisters or cousins such as Isis and Osiris. Initially there was no evidence of temple structures dedicated to the goddess Isis nor was her culture associated with a distinct city in early times. For today is travelers Egypt travel packages can provide immersive experiences into the ancient wonders and myths of these goddesses.

I will write about the Egyptian myth called The Legend of Isis and Osiris.

In this case the story of Isis and Osiris is one of the most famous pieces of early Egyptian heritage. Isis is known as the goddess of devotion and eternal loyalty as the wife of Osiris, the ruler of the underworld. When Osiris was killed by the evil god Set, Horus, Osiris son rose to the occasion and killed Set. Some of these mythological stories are carved on the walls of some of the oldest temples including the Temple of Edfu and the Temple of Philae in Aswan. Explore Egypt vacation packages to discover more about these myths and ancient temples.

Evolution of Isis Worship

The carved imagery devoted solely to the goddess Isis starts to appear in specialized temples during the later part of the 30th dynasty. Earlier during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, she was worshipped alongside other gods in temples specifically meant for the deities. In the 30th Dynasty of Egypt, she was again revered as a deity and considered equal to her husband Osiris and his son Horus. In the period of Roman rule, the popularity of temples of Isis rose significantly; among all is s Philae Temple.


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