Dendera Temple Complex | ETB Tours Egypt

Dendera Temple Complex

Dendera Temple of Hathor

You are invited to visit the god of love and beauty among the ancient Egyptians, and you will not be alone, but among a group of visitors who accompany you within this time with Egypt tour packages, you will enjoy your pleasant visit to the Dandara Temple. This temple is in the village of Dendera in Qena governorate, which is located in southern Egypt in Upper Egypt. This site was preferred by the ancient Egyptians. The Temple of Dendera is the temple of the God Hathor, this temple was a sacred city for the Egyptians at that time, you will be surprised in Luxor day tours when you know this temple has engraved walls and statues built five thousand years ago. When you take Egypt day tours of this site, you will find a large number of buildings inside it. The temple was decorated with pharaonic inscriptions and drawings that tell the history of the construction of this sanctuary, as well as the amazing statues of Dandara temple were designed thousands of years ago, but they have never been affected by geographic factors. This temple is one of the largest archaeological temples in Egypt. After finishing Egypt short tour packages of this temple, you will realize that the temple is a wonderful architectural achievement and an unbelievable masterpiece. This temple has gained historical significance due to its large columns, high ceiling, and the arts of architecture that distinguished it from others.

The Design of Dendera Temple

before entering the temple of Dendera, you will see from a distance, you will not believe that it was built by a human hand. The facade of the temple is one of the most wonderful facades of the Pharaonic temples. The width of this destination is thirty-five meters and its height is twelve meters. The facade of this building consists of a group of huge columns that have the heads of Hathor, as well as twenty-four columns carrying the hall of the temple. these columns surround several rooms that are used for incense and making offerings. the wonderful façade was built five thousand years ago.

The Ceiling of the Dendera Temple

This beautiful cultural ceiling attracts attention greatly during Egypt luxury tours. It is considered one of the most beautiful architectural masterpieces of the ancient era. You will be able to ascend and see this ceiling by stairs that have walls decorated with drawings of priests carrying the statue of Hathor as well as there are drawings of the wonderful Pharaonic boats and some people carrying weapons, the ceiling of the temple of Dendera represents wonderful artworks designed beautifully.

The Lake of Dendera Temple

It was a sacred lake that the priests used for washing and purification before prayers and before religious rituals. It was also used to irrigate the land of the temple, and it was used for cleaning works. When you look at this lake during Egypt Christmas tours, you will find a wall around it. There is a ladder that leads to the water in the lake surrounding this lake It has mountains in all respects and has an attractive view. When you reach this lake. You will be surprised by the beauty of this lake, which had several purposes in the ancient era. The temple of Dendera contains things that are admired by many people. When you see this temple on 5 days Egypt tour packages, you will think that it was built a short time ago, because it is covered in colors and bright inscriptions. The Temple of Dendera is one the most beautiful historical temples that the ancient kings appreciated and they considered it an achievement at that time as well this wonderful temple derived its importance from its location in the south of Egypt and this wonderful area is near Luxor was called Taybeh, which is a historical area that was the capital of the state. Taybeh was a distinguished place during a period marked by cultural prosperity.

Dendera Temple is full of Pharaonic Achievements

The achievements of the Pharaohs did not stop at the building of the temple, but inside it, you will find many ancient achievements via your Egypt classic tours. This temple has a wall of about 1200 meters long surrounding all the temples. Inside the temple wall you can see the luxurious cabin dating back to the eleventh family, which dates back to the family of the thirtieth and another house of his birth dates back to the Roman era and the temple contains a sanatorium and a Coptic church from the fifth century AD.

Enjoy visiting the temple of Dendera from Egypt shore excursions, in which you will see an imaginary gate built by the Pharaohs, they believed that it led to the other world, above which there are four sun discs with wings as well as a line of snakes, and this room was dedicated to divine childbirth. The second birth house was built during the reign of Agus, and this room was characterized by Inscriptions.

The History of Dendera Temple

This temple, which is in a remote site in the desert dates back to the pre-dynastic era, this information was known through the tombs near the temple. This temple was covered with sand to half and this was an important factor for preserving the temple, the pillars, its contents, and all the beautiful inscriptions inside it, and this factor preserved the temple from theft over the ages. The upper rooms of the temple were inhabited by some people, therefore some rooms were damaged.

ISIS Temple and Mammisi House

The Temple of Isis is small and is located in the western area of the Temple of Dendera and you can discover both of them from our Alexandria day tours that provide tours to Luxor and Dendera, it was ordered to be built by the Roman Caesar who was called Peru. Between the Temple of Dendera and Isis temple, there is a road about a hundred and thirty meters long. there is also a house for birth in the north of the Temple of Isis, and this house is for the god Hathor and there is also the holy lake in which there are palm trees There are a group of many wells, including the Nilometer. The construction of the Temple of Isis and the birth house was back to Caesar August.

Dendera Temple is a Piece of Art

This ancient temple, was a breakthrough for great achievements in ancient times, where King Ptolemy III ordered the building of this temple from sandstone, and many emperors added to it a large number of wonderful additions. Ten rooms were used to save jewelry and possessions for the god. Enjoy visiting the magnificent Dandara temple in your 9 days Egypt tour packages and see the most beautiful and wonderful belongings inside this temple because it contains wonderful rooms and gates as well as walls engraved with the most beautiful drawings after completing the visit to the temple you can enjoy visiting many wonderful Egyptian antiquities that you will not see at anyplace with 14 days Egypt tours. The location of the temple is close to the archaeological sites in Luxor and Aswan day tours, which contain more than a third of the world’s antiquities.


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