Luxor Egypt | Luxor Information | Luxor Facts | Luxor History

Luxor Egypt | Luxor Information | Luxor Facts | Luxor History

Luxor Egypt | Information about Luxor | Facts about Luxor | History of Luxor

 Luxor is an ancient civilization that never ends

The city is characterized by a large number of wonderful monuments built by the ancient Egyptians These monuments are considered among the most beautiful monuments in the ancient and modern world because these monuments are masterpieces of art antiquities statues mummies temples and museums and you can see them through Egypt classic tours.

Luxor is one of the most famous cities in the world.

It is one of the largest archaeological cities in the world. Luxor is located in southern Egypt near Aswan Governorate and was formerly called the City of the Sun and was the capital of Egypt in the era of the ancient Egyptians who called it Thebes

It is surprising that Luxor contains a third of the worlds monuments and has an area of ​​​​about 2409 km and dates back to about 7000 years It is considered one of the oldest Egyptian cities and is about 6170 km away from Cairo It can be easily reached via Nile cruises from Luxor and enjoy the picturesque and natural scenery.

There are many tourist attractions in Luxor that make it unique with features that are not found anywhere else, such as temples, tombs lakes and natural landscapes. All of these places contain distinctive monuments statues, coffins and small artifacts that you can visit on daily Luxor tours. Luxor has a warm atmosphere, so it attracts many tourists especially in winter Luxor also contains modern landmarks such as markets, centers, shopping malls, shops, and halls through Egypt luxury tours.

Luxor city does not only attract those interested in ancient history and great civilizations but it also offers many entertainment services for all tourists For example Nile cruises are offered on the Nile River which is what distinguishes Luxor city Tourists can see the picturesque views on the banks of the Nile and eat popular foods We also take luxury Nile cruises on the banks of the Nile so tourists can fly in a hot air balloon through which you can see the city You can ride in a mail car which is part of the heritage of the Egyptian people. Luxor city is characterized by the presence of a large group of means of transportation that facilitate the tourists movement from one place to another through Egypt short tours packages.

Tourist attractions in Luxor:

Karnak Temple

The temple is considered one of the most beautiful landmarks in Luxor and 3 km away from Luxor city and is located next to Karnak village which is surrounded by Temple of Karnak is a large temple and is the main temple and includes a large number of columns chapels and other places of worship It is the seat of the god Amun

It includes great buildings that were built from the beginning of the Middle Kingdom until the Ptolemaic state Karnak Temple includes the Temple of the god Death which tourists reach via the Avenue of Sphinxes It was built by Amenhotep III and after him several kings added some changes until the Ptolemaic era 30 pharaohs participated in its construction as the ancient Egyptian used it for worship for a long time Karnak Temple was considered a large temple for religion UNESCO said that Karnak Temple is the greatest human heritage throughout the ages Karnak Temple is located on the eastern bank of the Nile River and you can visit it through 8 days Egypt vacation packages.

Karnak Temple was a small place at first and Karnak Temple is considered the second most visited place by tourists because of the Pharaonic monument it contain and Karnak Temple is one of the most beautiful area in the world because of the group of beautiful engravings on the walls and you can see this beauty through 14 days Egypt tours  Don't forget to enjoy visiting Karnak Temple during your Egypt travel packages.

Hatshepsut Temple

It is one of the most beautiful temples in Luxor Queen Hatshepsut built the temple about 3500 years ago in Deir elBahari. Hatshepsut Temple is located on the west bank of the Nile River If you want to travel on a Nile cruise at reasonable prices you can do so through cheap Nile cruises. It is nice that the Nile River is between the temple and Luxor. The temple is distinguished by it unique design consisting of three floor. It was built by the ancient Egyptians from limestone on the walls of the temple are inscriptions of the missions sent by Queen Hatshepsut to the land of Punt to bring goods

Luxor Temple

It is one of the great temples in Luxor and was build by Umm Hatab III Luxor Temple is located on the east bank of the Nile. It is a large place There is a large place behind it It was built in the Middle Kingdom The Egyptians called this temple IBT REST King Ramses II completed the construction of this temple.

 Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is one of the famous landmarks in Luxor and is located on the west bank of the Nile River. It was used in the eleventh and thirteenth centuries to build tombs for kings princes and faithful men in the modern state It contains a large number of tombs that attract large numbers of tourists from all over the world. You can explore this through 10 days Egypt tour packages

The ancient Egyptians used the Valley of the Kings to mummify royal bodies and place them in this valley The Valley of the Kings is a narrow valley bordered from behind by Mount Thebes You can visit this valley after crossing the Nile River You can choose from the best Nile cruise Luxor Aswan

The temple is far away it was the appropriate place to keep the ancient kings away from theft The ancient Egyptians also chose this place to bury the kings because it is a place far from the torrents that lead to the drowning of the bodies of kings and princes. The tombs of the king were no different from the tombs of individuals except that the area was sealed and the king was buried in it and the tomb was well closed so that it would not be exposed to theft.

Valley of the Queens

It is a very beautiful place in Luxor and can be visited during holidays such as Egypt Christmas tours The place was named this name because a large number of queens and mothers were buried in Look there are ancient Pharaonic drawings and engravings on it and because of the beauty of these engravings that are unparalleled in the world there is a large cave in it was believed that the ancient Egyptians would give them another life The Valley of the Queens consists of the main valley that contains a large group of tombs then there is a group of small valleys that contain a smaller number of tombs and the valley contains the tomb of Queen Nefertari the largest and most famous tomb in the Valley of the Kings the word Nefertari means beautiful companion and her tomb was discovered in 1984

Colossi of Memnon

They are two statues of King Amenhotep III and they are two large statues built in 1350 BC and these two statues are located in Western Thebes and the beautiful thing is that the length of each statue is about 19 meters the Greeks called them Menon because one of the statues cracked and made a sound similar to the voice of the legendary hero who was killed in the war by Troy

Luxor Museum

Luxor is one of the most beautiful museums in Egypt it contains Pharaonic antiquities It is located in the city center and was opened by the late President Mohamed Anwar Sadat. You can find this museum on the Nile Corniche The Luxor Museum consists of two floors and includes a rare collection of Luxor antiquities and some statues of ancient kings and some collectibles that expres a large number of eras as well as some of the collectibles of King Tutankhamun Deir el Medina You must visit Luxor Temple because it is one of the best things to do in Egypt

It was named after the presence of a monastery and a cemetery in it This place reflects the social status of the people who were buried in this place They are the workers who carved the tomb of the king These people are from the poor class The tombs consist of one part and another at the bottom. There is a tomb and a well leading to the burial chamber There are very beautiful colored engravings on the walls of this tomb One of the most important tombs in Deir el Medina is the tomb of Najm These tombs were discovered in 1886 AD There was a group of furniture in this tomb and it is now in the Egyptian Museum Temple of Horus

It is located on the west bank of the Nile River The Ptolemies built a temple for him On its walls you will find information about religion and mythology. It is from Luxor and is the largest temple after the Karnak Temple.

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