Mahmoud Said Museum

Mahmoud Said Museum

Mahmoud Said

Mahmoud Said (1897-1964) is one of the most important Egyptian artists of the twentieth century You can learn a lot about him through your tour of Egypt tours He is the one who shaped the Egyptian artistic identity in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century despite his international obscurity his legacy still exists through about 40 of his works displayed in the beautiful Italian villa where he lived which you can visit through Egypt travel packages because they give you unforgettable trips and provide you with visits to many museums such as the Manuscript Museum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina the most distinguished place in the Bride of the Mediterranean as it contains possessions dating back more than 2000 years.

Egyptian Identity

One of the most prominent features of the museum is a room dedicated to Said female nudes which women can visit through Egypt women tours a bold step considering the governorate of Alexandria at the time Said works celebrate common Egyptian beauty through jewelry and bracelets Some of his works were sold for millions of dollars in european auctions so you can see them by visiting Egypt tour packages as they provide you with a visit to more than one place such as the shipyards which are the sites where boats and ships of all kinds are made. They are usually located close to the sea making it easy to access raw materials and to lower the ship into the sea Also visit Pharos Island which used to house the lighthouse of Alexandria which is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


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