Medinat Habu

Medinat Habu

Medinat Habu

Medinat Habu fronted by the sleepy village of Kom Lolah and backed by the Theban mountains is one of the west bank most under visited sites. This was one of the first places in Thebes associated with the local god Amun. At its peak Medinat Habu had temples, storerooms, workshops administrative buildings a royal palace and accommodation for priests and officials. It was the heart of Thebes for centuries and there are also another landmarks in luxor you can visit such as Valley of the Queens which is at the southern end of the theban hill side and New Gurna and Medinat Habu which is fronted by the sleepy village of kom lolah and backed by the theban moutain and Luxor Museum which has an amazing collection of antiquities from the end of old kingdom to the mamluk period 

The complex is most famous for the funerary temple of Ramses III but Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III also built here. They were added to and altered by a succession of rulers through to the Ptolemies. When the pagan cults were banned it became a Christian centre and was still inhabited as late as the 9th century AD when a plague was thought to have wiped out the town. You can see the mud brick remains of the medieval town that gave the site its name (medina means town or city) on top of the enclosure walls and also there are another famous landmarks in luxor such as Tomb of Seti I which knwon as the best tomb in the valley and Tomb of Ramses VI (KV9) which is the grandest tomb in the valley of kings and Tomb of Tutankhamun KV (62) which is one of the smaalest in the valley and Tuthmosis III ( KV 34) which deeps in the hils Tomb of Tuthmosis IV ( KV 43) which one of the largest and deepest of the 18th dynasty and Tomb of Tawosret sethnakht (KV 14) which was the wife of of seti II  and also there are  Tomb of Ramsis III ( KV 11) which also known as user maat ra and Tomb of Nefertari which is the best in theban necropolis and all of egypt 

The original Temple of Amun built by Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III was completely eclipsed by the enormous Funerary Temple of Ramses III which is the main feature of Medinat Habu. But a chapel from the Hatshepsut period is still standing on the right after you have passed the outer gates and also Tomb of Amenhotep II ( KV 35) which ruled egypt around 1400 BC and Tomb of Horemheb ( KV 57) where it is famous for its bas relief and and Tomb of Merenptah ( KV 8) which is the second largest valley of the kings and Tomb of Ramsis IV ( KV 2 ) which is near the entrance of valley of kings

Ramses III was inspired by the Ramesseum of his illustrious father Ramses II when he built his shrine. His own temple and the smaller one to Amun are both inside the massive outer walls of the complex  and  also there are Tomb of Titi which has corridor leading to the square chapel then a burail chamber and Tomb of Seti I which is famous for his beautiful temple at abydos

Also just inside to the left of the gate are the Tomb Chapels of the Divine Adorers built for the principal priestesses of Amun. Outside the eastern gate one of only two entrances was a landing stage for a canal that once connected Medinat Habu with the Nile and also there are another countries you can visit during your stay Egypt Tours provide you with many suggestions also you can travel with your family and spend quality time with them Egypt Family Tours give you many offers to choose from and also if you want to be in a private tour we can provide this for you through Egypt Private Tours give you also many offers to choose from and also we have safari tours if you want to try and book it you can do this through Egypt Safari Tours provide you numerous suggestions to choose from and also there are tours for women only you can book it also through Egypt Women Tours give you also many recommendations to choose from 

You enter the site through the unique Syrian Gate a two storey building modelled on a Syrian fortress: as with the images of the pharaoh smiting his enemies this is a reference to the famous battles between the Egyptians and Hittites particularly during the time of Ramses II. If you follow the wall to the left you will find a staircase to the upper floors. There is not much to see in the rooms but you’ll get great views out across the village in front of the temple and over the fields to the south and also we have many tours to choose from in many countries you can book it through Egypt Tours Packages give you may recommendations to choose from also Egypt Vacation Packages give you many offers to choose from and aslo egypt has so many landmarks to visit and so many activities to do Things To Do In Egypt provide you many suggestions to choose from

The first pylon is well preserved and marks the front of the temple. Ramses III is depicted as a victor in the reliefs. Most famous are the reliefs of his victory over the Libyans (you can spot them by their long robes, sidelocks and beards). There is also a gruesome scene of scribes counting the number of dead by counting severed hands and genitalia and also you can try to visit also aswan through Aswan Day Trips provide you with many recommendations also hurghada has so many places to visit and you can travel through Hurghada Day Tours give you also many offers and also the nile cruise you will have so much fun there you can book it through Nile Cruise Luxor Aswan give you many offers to choose from and Dahabiya Nile Cruise also provide you with many suggestions


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