


What do you know about Ramesseum ?

The Ramesseum: The Temple of Millions of Years of User-Maat-Ra

Ramses II called his big monument the Temple of Millions of Years of User-Maat-Ra; the classical visitors called it the tomb of Ozymandias and Jean-François Champollion, who deciphered the hieroglyphs called it the Ramesseum. Like other memorial temples, it was part of Ramses II’s funerary complex. His tomb was in the hills but his memorial temple was on the edge of the cultivated area, connected to the Nile and other memorial temples by a canal and there are another landmarks in luxor which you can visit during your stay such as Karnak Temple which is a massive complex covering 2 sq km the size of 10 cathedrals and Temple of Seti I which is famous for his beautiful temple at abydos and Mut Temple Enclosure which is built by amenhotep III and Montu Temple Enclosure also in cairo and also there are another landmarks in luxor you can visit during your stay such as  Valley of the Queens which is at the southern end of the theban hill side and New Gurna and Medinat Habu which is fronted by the sleepy village of kom lolah and backed by the theban moutain and Luxor Museum which has an amazing collection of antiquities from the end of old kingdom to the mamluk period 

Unlike the well preserved monuments Ramses II built at Karnak and Abu Simbel, his memorial temple has not aged as well. It has been restored but is most famous for the scattered remains of fallen statues that inspired the poem Ozymandias by English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who used Ramses mortality to mock his attempts at immortality and there are also another landmarks in egypt such as Tomb of Ramses VI (KV9) which is the grandest tomb in the valley of kings and Tomb of Tutankhamun KV (62) which is one of the smaalest in the valley and Tomb of Horemheb ( KV 57) where it is famous for its bas relief and


Although more elaborate than many other temples the Ramesseum is fairly standard in layout: two courts, hypostyle halls a sanctuary accompanying chambers and storerooms. What’s unusual is that the rectangular floor plan was altered to fit an older, smaller temple – that of Ramses II’s mother Tuya – on one side and there are also Tomb of Merenptah ( KV 8) which is the second largest valley of the kings and Tomb of Ramsis IV ( KV 2 ) which is near the entrance of valley of kingsand  Tuthmosis III ( KV 34) which deeps in the hils Tomb of Tuthmosis IV ( KV 43) which one of the largest and deepest of the 18th dynasty and Tomb of Tawosret sethnakht (KV 14) which was the wife of of seti II

Entrance is through a doorway in the northeast corner of the enclosure wall and into the second court. Turn left to the first pylon. The first and second pylons are over 60 meters wide and feature reliefs of Ramses military campaigns especially against the Hittites. Through the first pylon are the ruins of the first court and the double colonnade that fronted the royal palace also there are another countries you can travel to during you stay Egypt Tours provide you many recommendations also if you want to travel with you family and spend with them quality time Egypt Family Tours give you many offers to choose from and also if you want to be in a private tour we can provide this for you through Egypt Private Tours give you also many offers to choose from and also we have safari tours if you want to try and book it you can do this through Egypt Safari Tours provide you numerous suggestions to choose from and also there are tours for women only you can book it also through Egypt Women Tours give you also many recommendations to choose from and also there are nile cruises you should visit during your stay such as Nile Cruise Luxor Aswan provide you numerous suggestions and Dahabiya Nile Cruise and Nile Cruise Aswan to Luxor give you many offers to choose form and Nile Cruise Holidays give you also many recommendations to choose from 

Near the western stairs is part of the Colossus of Ramses II the Ozymandias of Shelley poem lying forlornly on the ground where it once stood 17.5 meters tall. The head of another granite statue of Ramses II, one of a pair, is in the second court. Twenty-nine of the original 48 columns of the great hypostyle hall are still standing. In the smaller hall behind it the roof is still in place and features astronomical hieroglyphs. Some of the wall carvings, including one of the pharaoh’s name being written on a leaf are very well done and also there are another many tours in another countries you can visit such as Egypt Tour Packages which provide you with many recommendations and there are also many landamarks to visit in egypt and so many activities to do Things To Do In Egypt provide you many suggestions and also if you will stay in egypt for a long time we have 10 Days Egypt Tour Packages and 15 Days Egypt Tours


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