Tomb of Titi
Tomb of Titi
Have you ever seen Tomb of Titi before ?
The tomb of Queen Titi has a corridor leading to a square chapel then a burial chamber and two smaller rooms. Despite the faded state of the paintings you can see a winged Maat on the left side of the corridor. On the opposite side you can see the queen in front of Thoth, Ptah and the four sons of Horus and also there are another tombs in luxor you can visit such as Tomb of Seti I which knwon as the best tomb in the valley and Tomb of Ramses VI (KV9) which is the grandest tomb in the valley of kings and Tomb of Tawosret sethnakht (KV 14) which was the wife of of seti II and Tomb of Horemheb ( KV 57) where it is famous for its bas relief and Tomb of Merenptah ( KV 8) which is the second largest valley of the kings and Tomb of Ramsis IV ( KV 2 ) which is near the entrance of valley of kings Tomb of Tutankhamun KV (62) which is one of the smaalest in the valley and Tuthmosis III ( KV 34) which deeps in the hils Tomb of Tuthmosis IV ( KV 43) which one of the largest and deepest of the 18th dynasty and Tomb of Tawosret sethnakht (KV 14) which was the wife of of seti II
In the burial chamber you will find a series of animal guardians: a jackal, a lion, two monkeys and a monkey with a bow. Egyptologists are still debating who was the husband of Queen Titi among the Ramesside pharaohs. Her titles in the tomb are the royal wife, the royal mother and the royal daughter. Some think she might have been the wife of Ramses III, as her tomb is similar to the tombs of Khaemwaset and Amunherkhepshef, possibly her sons there are another many tours in another countries you can visit such as Egypt Tour Packages which provide you with many recommendations and there are also many landamarks to visit in egypt and so many activities to do Things To Do In Egypt provide you many suggestions and also if you will stay in egypt for a long time we have 10 Days Egypt Tour Packages and 15 Days Egypt Tours and Dahabiya Nile Cruise and Nile Cruise Aswan to Luxor give you many offers to choose form and Nile Cruise Holidays give you also many recommendations to choose from and also if you want to travel with your family and spend quality time with each other Egypt Family Tours provide you many recommendations