Tombs of the Nobles

Tombs of the Nobles

Noble Tombs West Bank

Have you ever visited Noble Tombs West Bank ?

In the foothills opposite the Ramesseum are the noble tombs on the west bank, the best and least visited of all. Over 400 tombs of nobles from the 6th dynasty to the Graeco-Roman period. Unlike the royal tombs which had cryptic passages from the Book of the Dead to guide the deceased through the afterlife the noble tombs have wonderfully detailed scenes of their daily lives. The nobles wanted to continue their good life after death and there are also another tombs in luxor such as Tomb of Ramses VI (KV9) which is the grandest tomb in the valley of kings and Tomb of Tutankhamun KV (62) which is one of the smaalest in the valley and Tuthmosis III ( KV 34) which deeps in the hils Tomb of Tuthmosis IV ( KV 43) which one of the largest and deepest of the 18th dynasty and Tomb of Tawosret sethnakht (KV 14) which was the wife of of seti II  also there are  Tomb of Ramsis III ( KV 11) which also known as user maat ra and Tomb of Nefertari which is the best in theban necropolis and all of egypt also there are  Tomb of Ramsis III ( KV 11) which also known as user maat ra and Tomb of Nefertari which is the best in theban necropolis and all of egypt and Tomb of Merenptah ( KV 8) which is the second largest valley of the kings and Tomb of Ramsis IV ( KV 2 ) which is near the entrance of valley of kings

New discoveries have been made on the hillside in recent years but these tombs are still being studied. The open tombs are in groups and each group has a separate ticket (various prices) from the Antiquities Inspectorate ticket office. The groups are: Tombs of Khonsu, Userhet, Benia Tombs of Menna, Nakht, Amenenope; Tombs of Ramose, Userhet, Khaemhet Tombs of Sennofer, Rekhmire Tombs of Neferronpet, Dhutmosi, Nefersekheru and also there are another landmarks in luxor you can visit such as Karnak Temple which is a massive complex covering 2 sq km the size of 10 cathedrals and Luxor Temple which built by the new kingdom pharaohs amenhotp III and ramses and Temple of Seti I which famous for his beautiful temple of abydos and Mut Temple Enclosure which built by amenhotep III and Montu Temple Enclosure also in luxor 

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