Religion in Egypt

Religion in Egypt has been one of the most pivotal and ancient factors that contributed toward shaping the entire civilized world, not only in the present era, but also the previous ages.Egyptian religion can therefore be considered as a part of Egyptian civilization starting from as early as ancient Egyptian religion to modern systems of religion.

Out of all the world’s ancient religions, the religion of the ancient Egypt might very well be one of the most documented, and thus most recognizable.Egyptian religion was strongly polytheistic, with a large number of gods and multifaceted religious practices that formed the basis of Egyptian life.And this religion in the ancient Egypt was the leading philosophical worldview of the Egyptian civilization which influenced their concepts of the world, state and individuals and the ways of management of the society.Pertinently, many structures such as temples, gods and the Pharaohs figured prominently in religious practice and they believed in gods such as Ra, Osiris and Isis among others.

However, Egyptian civilization religion did not confine itself to the act of worshipping gods; it was inculcated in all aspects of their living, including architecture, arts, and even politics.The pyramids, which remain as some of the most significant religious structures of the ancient Egyptian Kingdom, were not only burial places but also religious edifices arranged to help the pharaohs to find the way to the other world.

In today’s Egypt, the main faiths represented are Islam, and the vast percentage of the Egyptian population is Sunni Muslims.But, there is also presence of Christianity in the country because the Coptic Church is one of the oldest diversifiable Christian communities on the face of the earth.Religion in Egypt today cuts across the two aspects of conventional ancients religions and contemporary; thereby making Egypt to have a typical religion.

To know the religion of Egypt is also important in order to get the understanding of its history and culture.This paper provides an example of a shift from the ancient Egyptian religion to the present state religious practices, which show how the faith is fluid and how it influences the Egyptians.The role and religious traditions in Egypt present an exemplar of culture and civilization by showing how religion actuates culture and how culture in turn influences religion.

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