God Aton | Aten God Of Egypt

God Aton | Aten God Of Egypt

God Aton

During the Amarna period Aton was the god of infinite generosity bringing life justice and harmony to all equally.

Aton is origins go back to the reign of Tutmosis IV the 8th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. But early antecedents suggest his presence from the First Intermediate Period to the Middle Kingdom. Through history the cult of Aton evolved greatly from a simple solar disk to a full god.

God Aten

When he came to power Amenhotep IV later Akhnaton rejected Egypt traditional polytheism and advocated monotheism with Aton as the only god. This religious reform aimed to eliminate all other beliefs and make Aton the only one worthy of worship.

This introduced henotheism or monolatry acknowledging other gods but making Aton the main object of worship.

Amarna Mythology

Despite the Pharaoh is efforts the acceptance of Aton among the Egyptian people was hampered by the entrenched clergy who opposed monotheistic reforms. They practised henotheism and worshipped other gods and ultimately defied the Pharaoh is wishes after his death.

Aton is the giver of life and sustenance depicted as a falcon headed man and later as a solar disk He is good just and the vitality of life on earth.


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