Goddess Mut | Egyptian Goddess Of Heaven
Goddess Mut
Mut the goddess of the sky and wife of Amun the wind god is the mother of all in Egyptian mythology In Thebes she and Amun were crowned with a double crown with a vulture on top showing her divine status. Amun wore blue or red and carried a papyrus and the ankh the symbol of life.
She is also called the World Mother the Eye of Ra and the Lady of the Sky and is often shown with vulture hieroglyphs showing her maternal aspect.
As the goddess of the sky Mut is shown with wings in the Egyptian pantheon. She is also shown as a cow beside Amun or as a lioness showing her protective and warrior aspects.
Mut is children are the war god Mantu and the moon god Khonsu. Khonsu is association with Amun-Ra forms the Theban triad where Mut is the third eye showing universal wisdom necessary for the flooding of the Nile.
In the Book of the Dead Mut is invoked to prevent mummification decay. She is shown with three heads a vulture head with feathers a human head with two crowns and the head of the minor god Pajet Mut is the central image in these rituals.
The temple of Mut in the Kingdom of Amun, near Karnak had a crescent shaped lake where she was worshipped as a lioness.