The Four Sons Of Horus

The Four Sons Of Horus

The Four Sons of Horus were part of both Horus and Osiris in Egyptian mythology and helped guide the soul from life to the afterlife.

In ancient Egyptian thought Horus and Osiris were connected to these four cosmic beings called ‘nitro’. They facilitated the transition of the soul from the physical world to the otherworld.

Osiris: God of the Afterlife and Resurrection

Osiris, the god of resurrection and the afterlife featured the Four Sons of Horus in the trial scene. Artists showed them standing on a lotus flower under Osiris’ throne in the otherworld.

The lotus flower the symbol of creation in Egyptian cosmology shows the Sons of Horus are part of the creation of the universe.

According to Belgian engineer Robert Bauval, these four cosmic beings correspond to the stars that form a ladle-shaped cavity in the Big Dipper constellation. This was very important for the ancient Egyptians.

Ritualistic Significance: Big Dipper and Opening of the Mouth Ceremony

Horus initiated the Opening of the Mouth ritual, the ceremony to prepare the consciousness to exist in another realm beyond life. This ceremony used a tool in the shape of the Big Dipper, so it’s very spiritual.

Ancient texts mention the Great Bear constellation as a stopover for the soul on its journey to the afterlife.

Canopic Jars and Guardianship

In the mummification process the viscera was placed in canopic jars, each topped with the head of one of the Sons of Horus. The jars protected the organs of the four cardinal directions:

  • Duamutef (jackal-headed) protected the stomach in the north.
  • Qebehsenuef (falcon-headed) protected the intestines in the south.
  • Hapi (baboon-headed) watched over the lungs in the east.
  • Imsety (human-headed) protected the liver in the west.
  • These guardians ensured safe passage to the afterlife through their respective gates


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