The search for Queen Nefertiti begins a new phase.
They are two of the most renowned figures in egyptian history
While king Tut is famous for the treasure he was buried with after he died, Nefertiti is famous for her life. Over 3300 years ago she ruled alongside her husband Pharaoh akhenaten during a time of great prosperity and great change the famous bust of her face found by archaeologists is her beauty her name means a beautiful woman has come and was fitting for a queen who was called lady of All Women "Great of Praises" and "mistress of upper and Lower egypt and there are another landmarks in egypt you can visit throguh ETB Tours Egypt provide you with many recommendations
Despite all the searching, the tomb of Nefertiti has never been found. Her mummified body, prepared for the afterlife, is thought to be somewhere in the Valley of the Kings. But where exactly remains a secret.
Archaeologist Nicholas Reeves has a theory: Nefertiti was hiding in plain sight all along. He says her final resting place is in a large chamber behind a secret door in Tutankhamun’s tomb, discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. Recent research has revealed some interesting evidence to support his theory and you can book and visit this tomb through Egypt Travel Packages give you many recommendations to choose from
this is still early days and many archaeologists are not convinced. After all this is the third time nefertiti’s tomb has been found in the last 12 years Some researchers say the ancient queen’s body may already be in the egyptian museum in cairo with a group of mummies found in 1898.
reeves himself admits he was cautious in his approach.
"I'm a bit worried, there must be something here but honestly it sounds a bit far-fetched!" he says. "Carter was an amazing archaeologist—thorough sceptical and never missed a detail. But we have technologies now he didn't have."
Factum Arte a Spanish company that specialises in recreating artistic masterpieces scanned tutankhamun's tomb
high res images were used to make a replica of the tomb to manage the tourist traffic to the valley of the Kings to see the boy king’s tomb But in february when he reviewed the scans he saw cracks he thinks are two sealed doors in the north and west walls of the tomb and you can visit another landmarks in luxor through Luxor Day Tours provide you with numerous suggestions to choose from
the smaller door would be a storeroom the larger one would be the entrance to a hidden chamber for a queen.
in his paper he says Nefertiti was buried in a chamber which was then sealed with plaster and painted over. He also points out a scene in tutankhamun’s tomb has figures with Nefertiti’s face; a scooped brow, distinctive nose and straight jawline with a rounded chin.
Reeves says the size and layout is more evidence. Only 4 rooms, smaller than a pharaonic tomb, maybe just one part of a much larger hidden structure.
anyone entering the Chamber from the main corridor Must turn right, a layout historically reserved for egyptian Queens
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If the tomb was for Nefertiti, why was Tutankhamun buried there?
reeves thinks it was because of the chaos of the time. Nefertiti and her husband pharaoh Amenhotep IV (later Akhenaten) had introduced a new religion ditching Egypt’s old polytheism for the worship of the sun god Aten As part of this revolution Akhenaten changed his name and moved the capital from Thebes to the new city of Akhetaten 250 miles north and you can travel with your family to see these amazing landmarks and explore the ancient history through Egypt Family Tours give you many offers to choose from
later pharaohs would later condemn this monotheistic religion as heresy and erase the records of akhenaten and nefertiti’s reign But reeves and others believe Nefertiti continued to rule as pharaoh after her husband’s death and took the name smenkhkare. Reeves says when she died she was buried in a grand tomb as “her status as sole ruler entitled her to the full king’s regalia
When Nefertiti was buried no one could have imagined Tutankhamun would end up in the same tomb. but when Tutankhamun died young the egyptians were caught out with no tomb prepared for him. Reeves says they decided to use a already built royal tomb, make the best of a bad job there are also another tombs you can visit in luxor such as Tomb of Seti I and Tomb of Nobles and Tomb of Ramses VI and Tomb of Nefertari
"I think Nefertiti could be in the Valley of the Kings," he told PBS. "Finding her tomb would be amazing, not only because Nefertiti is a big deal, but also because her time was the peak of Egyptian art."
But it was Otto Schaden a University of memphis archaeologist and friend of Reeves who found something in 2006. Just 50 feet from tutankhamun’s tomb he found a hidden chamber that some of the press thought might be Nefertiti’s.
but the tomb was a let down Inside were 7 sarcophagi 6 of them empty. The 7th one deepest in the tomb was a glimmer of hope maybe a mummy maybe the queen herself you will be amazed when you visit it so you should plan your trip and book what will me you happy during your vacation and Egypt Vacation Packages give you offers to choose from
but when the last sarcophagus was opened, no mummy Instead gilded collars with flowers, wooden staffs linen clay gold Looks like the sarcophagus was meant for a body but was used for storage of burial offerings and stuff.
“The Younger Lady”
The buzz around the empty tomb was nothing compared to the Nefertiti-mania of 2003. Archaeologist Joann Fletcher from the University of York studied three mummies found in 1898 in Pharaoh Amenhotep II’s tomb. She made headlines by saying one of those mummies, the Younger Lady, was Nefertiti herself.
Her conclusion which was the basis for a tv documentary a book 60 Minutes report and numerous newspaper and magazine articles was partly based on the discovery of a wig near the mummy according to fletcher this wig was a nubian hairstyle worn only by royalty in nefertiti’s time also one ear of the mummy was double pierced a rare practice also associated with nefertiti.
2013 - french egyptologist marc gabolde made the big announcement After analyzing the DNA of 3 mummies and comparing it with other royal family members DNA gabolde said the Younger lady was nefertiti.
The Return of the Queen?
If Gabolde is right nefertiti isn’t in Tutankhamun’s tomb as Reeves claims. Aidan Dobson an Egyptologist at Bristol university is not convinced. He says drawing a straight line between the outlines of the doors and one of them leading to Nefertiti’s tomb is too simplistic. according to Dobson these outlines could be the beginnings of unfinished doors which are common in many tombs. If they are doors he says it’s more likely they lead to storage chambers rather than nefertiti’s final resting place
so far the evidence from tutankhamun’s tomb supports Reeves. a September survey Found two new rooms reeves who visited the tomb with egyptian Archaeologists and Officials recently said “We saw a line on the ceiling”He said the line in the room with the sarcophagus Aligns with a section of the wall that has been Plastered