Tour di un giorno a Giza Pyramids e Sakkara da Port Said


Con ETB Tours Egypt godrai le tre piramidi e la Sfinge dopo il thar Sakkara. Sarà un tour indimenticabile per scoprire la genialità dei faraoni.


  1. Ritira i servizi da Port & return
  2. Biglietti d'ingresso ai siti di cui sopra
  3. Guida in lingua inglese
  4. Una bottiglia di acqua minerale per ogni persona
  5. Tutti i costi di servizio e le tasse


  1. Visto in Egitto
  2. Eventuali tour facoltativi, se necessario
  3. Mancia

Prezzi e Alloggi


Singolo  2-3 Persone  4-6 Persone  7-10 Persone
$ 260 $ 145 $ 120 $ 100


ETB Tours Egypt welcomes your docking on the land of Pharaohs, our representative will be waiting for your arrival and once your cruise ship arrives to Port Said he will know and meet you then you will be carried to Cairo by ETB Tours Egypt private car to start fabulous day trip to Pyramids and Sakkara from Port Said, our occupational tour guide will accompanied you, first you will view the three pyramids of kings Khufu, Chephren & Mecernius, see the largest Pyramid of king Khufu who comes after his father Sinfru , and his mother is the queen Hattab Haras I, which dates back to 2650 BC, the abbreviation of Khannum Kho Foy. is Khenum  it means who protects me. History tells that the Pyramid of Khufu is the greatest building on the earth. Proceed to see the Pyramid of Chephren (Khafra’e). Continue to see the smallest Pyramid of King Mecernuis (Mankaura’), move to see the great famous Sphinx which stands proudly guarding the whole area of the Pyramids, Sphinx is a statue of a mythical creature with a body of a lion and a human head. Next to Sphinx located the Valley Temple where the body of the king is mummified, time to have your lunch at one of our regional restaurant before heading to view Pyramid of Sakkara of king Zoser or as it called Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Built during the 27th century BC to the burial of Pharaoh king Zoser; built by his Minister Amhotep. The engineer and doctor Amhotep was the main engineer of the extensive funerary group in the courtyard of the pyramid and the surrounding ceremonial structures. Sakkara Step Pyramid first Egyptian pyramid consists of six terraces (Mastabas) built on top of each other that represents a tremendous development in the design of graves in that era, which was limited to a single bench. The height of the graduated pyramid of Zoser is 62 meters (203 feet). The listed pyramid is considered the first stone structure of its time; you will get back smoothly to your cruise ship in Port Said by ETB Tours Egypt

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