Goshen Bible Tour


It is a tour showing Egypt’s history from Abraham’s arrival in Egypt followed by Joseph stay in the land of Goshen until Moses’ birth and his second departure out of Egypt. The whole history of the Israelites in the land of Pyramids in 12 days study trip.


Arrival at the Cairo International airport. Meet & assist by our representative  and transfer to the  hotel. Check-in, buffet dinner and overnight.

Buffet breakfast, start the tour to visit the first capital of united Egypt, MEMPHIS, here you will see the temple of PTAH, the statue of Ramses II & An alabaster Sphinx, nearby visit one of the most exciting archaeological sites, SAKKARA, this necropolis is dominated by the step Pyramids of King Zoser, which predate the famous Pyramids at Giza by centuries and contain exquisite paintings depicting the file and customs of the early dynastic period. Continue to visit one of the Seven Wonders of the world, the Pyramids of Giza " CHEOPS, MEKERINUS & CHEPHREN Your tour ends with a visit of the majestic Sphinx, which is the largest single block sculpture located at the foot of the grandest Pyramid Chephren. Return to the hotel, evening at leisure. Dinner & overnight Cairo.

Buffet breakfast. Transfer to visit Ismailia city which is a colonial city built in 1800´s during the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, it is a very beautiful city where we will also see Lake crocodile which is part of the Suez Canal system and also part of the bitter lakes, you can also take a ferry and put your foot in Sinai for few minutes before you take the ferry back to Ismailia which is on the west bank of the Suez Canal. Today, we can have lunch meal in a restaurant overlooking the Suez Canal. There is an optional one hour visit to Succoth which is the biblical site where the Passover first took place. Overnight Ismailia

Early morning departure; follow Moses' exodus journey. On the way to Sinai we will stop at the Suez Canal which links the Mediterranean and Red Seas. From there we will cross from Africa to Asia where we will visit Marah where Moses took a wooden log and threw it into the water making the bitter water sweet. We will then drive to Elim where manna and quail came from heaven. Then we will drive to Raphadime where in the book of Exodus Moses sent Joshua to fight the Amalakites. There Moses built an altar that he called 'Lord is my Banner'. Arrival to Sinai, dinner and overnight in Sinai (St. Catherine)

Early morning, climb-up Mt. Sinai. Enjoy a time of praise and incredible views of the Sinai wilderness, where in the book of Exodus God revealed him self to Moses and where he received the Ten Commandments. Transfer to visit St. Catherine Monastery located at the foot of Mt. Sinai the oldest working Christian Monastery. St. Catherine Monastery was built in 557 A.C by the Roman Emperor Justinian, and where it’s believed God appeared to Moses in the Form of a burning bush. Departure by private coach to Cairo. Dinner & overnight.

Buffet breakfast. Start your tour to Fayoum which is an oasis located 70 km southwest of Giza Pyramids; it is Egypt largest oasis that has a huge lake. Fayoum is also known as smaller Egypt and the lake Qarun is known as a smaller Mediterranean. Here, we have a variety of sites. We will visit the lake and there are two Pyramids made of mud brick (Hawara & Al-Lahun). We will only visit Hawara Pyramid as it overlooks the River of Joseph. And also there is the second oldest Pyramid in Egypt called Meidum. After, we visit the countryside and the store houses of Joseph.  We can have an optional lunch break by the Lake. Back to Cairo and transfer to the Railway Station to take the train to Aswan. Dinner on board & overnight.

Breakfast on board. Arrival at Aswan railway station, meet/assist and directly start the tour to visit the High Dam, the Granite Quarries and Philae Temple. Transfer to embark the cruise ship, Lunch on board. Felucca ride passing by the Botanical garden and Agha Khan Mausoleum. Dinner on board and overnight Aswan.

Breakfast on board. Sail to Kom ombo and morning at leisure. Lunch on board.
Visit the temple shared by the two gods, Sobek and Harories. Sail to Edfu. Dinner on board and overnight.

Breakfast on board. Visit the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Sail to Luxor via Esna and cross Esna lock. Lunch on board, afternoon at leisure and enjoy sailing. Dinner on board and overnight.

Disembarkation after breakfast, visit the West Bank, including the Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut temple at Al Deir El Bahari and Colossi of Memnon.Transfer to Aswan railway station for departure to Cairo by sleeper train, dinner on board and overnight.

Breakfast on board. Arrival at Giza railway station. Meet & assist by our representative. Start the tour to visit the famous Egyptian Museum, here we shall provide you with a brief, but colorful insight into the five thousand year history of our fascination land. Visit the Old Cairo, St.Serguis Coptic Church, Ben Ezra Synagogue and Continue to visit the Moslem sector where you can see Salah El Din Citadel, followed by Mohamed Ali Mosque. Return to the hotel, buffet dinner at the hotel and overnight Cairo.

Transfer to the Cairo international airport for final departure flight.

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